Monday May 13, 2024

No change in traveling as UK leaves EU today

Published : 31 Jan 2020, 03:24

  DF Report
DF File Photo.

The UK is leaving the European Union on Friday but the Brexit will not bring changes in travelling between EU countries and the UK at this moment.

As the UK exits the EU, it will become a non-EU country. However, there will be a transition period of 11 months until the end of 2020, said a press release issued by Finavia, the company operates country´s airports.

During this transition period, the EU citizens as well as UK citizen will be able to travel to and from the UK as before.

Even though the UK will no longer be a part of the EU, it will need to follow EU rules until the end of the year 2020.

At Finavia’s airports, there were almost 1,5 million passengers travelling to and from Great Britain in 2019.

The UK has not been a part of the Schengen agreement, so Brexit will not bring changes to the border control process. Passengers travelling to the UK from a Schengen country and passengers entering a Schengen country from the UK will need to go through passport control as before.

The final effects of Brexit after the transition period are not yet known. The effects on travelling and aviation industry will be further specified during the year 2020.