Monday June 17, 2024

SDP´s popularity goes up further: poll

Published : 02 May 2020, 01:10

  DF News Desk
DF File Photo.

Support for the Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (Social Democratic Party of Finland-SDP), which leads the five-party coalition government, has risen to 24.1 percent, reported news agency Xinhua quoting a latest poll published on Friday.

The poll, commissioned by the Alma Media Group, showed a 3 percent increase for the SDP from the last poll, while the leading opposition Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party) suffered a two percent decline.

Within the coalition, the Suomen Keskusta (Centre Party of Finland) made a small gain to 12.9 percent, while the Vihreä Liitto (Green League). lost some ground.

Earlier, another poll commissioned by the Alma Media Group in last month that the SDP has regained its position as the most popular party with 21.1 percent backing.

The SDP was the most popular party in the April 2019 election but lost its standing later to the populist Perussuomalaiset.